The start of your idea
Start talking

Perhaps you have kept your idea to yourself so far, it’s time to start sharing it with others. Starting with your family and friends is often the easiest step. Take the initiative and explain your idea to them while also listening to their feedback.

Your loved ones know you well and can provide honest feedback on the feasibility of your idea and its potential weaknesses.

Talking with family and friends is a safe option since you can trust them to keep your ideas confidential. They can also offer practical support when it comes to the development stage of your idea.

However, keep in mind that while family and friends can provide valuable feedback, they are not necessarily experts in the field. They may also avoid telling you something that could hurt your feelings or may tell you what you want to hear. Therefore, it’s essential to evaluate their response accurately.

“I’m a small business owner. If you see me talking to myself please do not stop me. I’m having a business meeting”
- Unknown