the start of your idea
Check if you’re first

When it comes to ideas, there are no bad ones. However, it’s likely that the really good ones have already been thought up by ­some­one else. So, what should you do next? Your next step is to find out if you’re first with your idea.

The first thing you can do is to search online in different ­search ­engines (not just Google), business directories, ecommerce ­websites and social media platforms to see if anyone else is ­already promoting or discussing a similar idea. Make sure you search descriptively, not just by name. For instance, describe what your idea does. 

If you can’t find a similar idea, then it’s time to dive deeper. Next, search through patent databases to determine if similar ideas have already been patented. The same goes for trademarks, especially if you plan to use a specific name or brand identity for your business.

But what if you’re not the first? It’s important to note that even if you discover that someone else has already implemented a ­similar idea, it doesn’t necessarily mean that your idea is not viable. ­However, you must ensure that your idea is better. What ­distinguishes your idea from the existing one? Write this down and continue developing your idea.

“To be successful, you must be daring, be first and be different”
- Ray Kroc